We love hearing how shelter cats and dogs do in their new homes. If you have a happy ending story you'd like to share about an animal that came from the Mansfield Shelter, please e-mail the story to us at volunteers@mansfieldshelter.org and attach a digital photo if possible.
To see Happy Endings from last year, CLICK HERE.

Best decision we ever made was to adopt Muffin. She is adorable inside and out. We have never had a dog with so much personality. We love her and she loves us. Thank you all! We are blessed.
-David & Christin Smith
Felix is doing great! He’s settling in well and seems to be enjoying his new home. He hid a little on his first day but since then has been very social, wanting attention and pets. Nelson and I are very happy with our decision to adopt Felix, hes a sweetheart!! Best, Samantha
Hi there! IIt’s Erika and Ryan, the couple who adopted Loki. We just wanted to express how grateful we are to have Loki in our lives. He makes us extremely happy and he has become one of the wonderful reasons why we look forward to going home after work or any time we are apart. The best part is, he always welcomes us home no matter what.He is doing great! He’s very much SPOILED to be frank.
Just wanted to let you know how well Firefly/Honey/Kimmie is doing. She is sleeping on the bed, just a few feet from me, while I read. She's also been letting me pet her a little bit the last few days. Every day she makes a little more progress coming out of her shell. -Maureen

Dana and Rue
Dana and Rue (now Pippa and Lucy) could not be more charming. They are great company for each other and have been sweet and loving with me and my partner and friends. They are getting more and more relaxed here and are gaining their confidence.

Cinder is doing great and being spoiled by the kids. We all love him so much. No issues so far.

Cappello( Decaf) is AMAZING!!!! We cant believe how well adjusted he is. Used hisLitter box from the moment he got here, no accidents at all. He is fearless yet SO cuddly and affectionate. His appointment for checkup and third shot is Dec 1st. Everyone loves him!!! He’s a mamas boy which makes me happy. Thank u to YOU, your staff, and the Foster family for this bundle of love!!! I knew when HE came to me he’d be special, but he is so much more than I could’ve ever thought -Lorraine

Taz is doing fantastic! He is very playful and loves following people around the house. He enjoys playing with everyone in the house and he has truly fit right in! The first few days home we kept him in Jamina’s room the majority of time, as you suggested, to not give him the whole house so fast. But now he is all over and seems very comfortable. He looks out of windows often or simply just lays on the floor of the room wherever someone is and loves playing. We love him so much already. Janira and family .

This is an image of Zaria in her new cat bed, and she actually joins me at night to sleep. She is super sweet, but still a bit timid. I'm sure as time goes on she will settle into her role as princess of the castle! -Christopher

Sending along some pictures of Luna! She is adjusting very well so far and has been very sweet and affectionate. She sat with me as I was working today, and found some favorite nap spots.

Max is a great fit! My mom’s German shepherd and Max get along great now. -Val

Meeko and Jonesy
Meeko and Jonesy are doing well in their new home.
Princess is a joy and has settled in very quickly! She loves the scratching tower I built. She also loves to snuggle and chase the laser pointer.

Hi just wanted to give an update on Latte since taking her home. She is loving her new home and new sisters ! She loves to be cuddled, as well as pet, and to run around with her new sisters Delta and Rem. We are so happy to have this little ball of energy in our lives now. Thank you so much for everything! Steph and Maxx

Hello, I just wanted to give you an update. Drucilla is doing very well. She adjusted perfectly. She is eating normally. She loves to sit and look out the window and loves being pet. She is playful and loves her new toys. Thank you so much for all your help and allowing me to give her the forever home she deserves. Thank you, Jess Botteri
 Addie and Gavin
Thank you so much for helping us through our process and adopting these two beautiful kittens from your shelter yesterday!We have renamed them. Addie is now Jules and we’ve stolen Gavin’s brothers name, Oakley, and renamed him Oakley. They have settled in well and we love watching them chase each other around at the house like maniacs! - Kristen
Hi! Gemma, (originally Nora) is our amazing, beautiful & loving girl who fits perfectly in our home! She loves looking out the window at trucks and cars, playing in boxes, and sleeping on her tower. She also loves to help us when we work. (jumping on our computers of course) She’s a fun and cuddly girl, it’s been such a joy to watch her grow and see her personality shine. We love our baby girl so much. Thanks for everything! -Andrea & Ryan

Winnie the sour patch is doing very well! She adjusted to her new home quickly. She seems very happy and has become quite the snuggle bug. -Colette
He is doing great we love having him!! He is adjusting very well to our household. -Lori
Inferno a.k.a. Vita
I wanted to let you know that Vita is doing very well! She loves being around us and we're slowly introducing her to her big sister Vivienne who we adopted from you in 2019. I have attached some pictures and a little video of her purring in my lap. -Amber

Armando and Sergio
Hi, they are doing amazing! We renamed them Dusty (gray) and Chowder (white). They have adjusted very well, and are both cuddly but also very energetic. They quickly became part of our home. -Samantha
Donkey and Shrek
The boys are doing Awesome!! I just love them so much; they are the sweetest cats. They get along with each other like best friends! They even talk to each other, it's the cutest thing! The are both so gentle and love to be loved. The are eating well and playing around like they have lived here for years. I have renamed them Mylo AKA: Donkey and Elyot AKA Shrek. The "Y" in each of their names is a tribute to my Dear Yaz. Elyot was the first one to want to venture out of the safe room. Mylo is definitely more adventurous. Thank you so much to each of you that have cared for them and all the animals that pass-through MAS! -Linnea
Puss/Casey is doing fabulously -- while he still has a reticence and shyness about him, he has turned out to be an amazing little kitty, with oodles of personality and energy !!! And the best news is that after only a week of going through integration procedures, Puss/Casey and Bruno absolutely made it clear to Jim and me that they wanted to be together ! It looks as if Puss/Casey spends all his time on the cat tree, but that's not the case -- he does serious zoomies around the house (he now has access to the downstairs) and loves to explore and find little cubbyholes from which he enjoys suddenly appearing. He's also a very healthy eater ! He is a photogenic little guy and absolutely delightful; and Jim, Bruno and I are so lucky that he's a member of our family !!! Our best regards, Phyllis and Jim
Anakin and Leia
They are doing great! Anakin has start to let us pet him and will lay next to us on the couch. He is still a little skittish if you approach him too quickly but has settled in very nicely. Leia is amazing and loves cuddles. She loves to play with all her toys as well as our dog Millie’s tail. Leia and our dog Millie get along fantastically and will lay on the bed together. Anakin is very curious about the dog but still keeps his distance and we make sure to watch them during all interactions.
-Nick and Morgan
We are so in love. She is a sweet, brave girl who is already running the house. She is cuddly and curious. Naps on my lap while I work and loves to rub against Daisy our dog. -Amy
Lucy, Teeny, and Babaneau
1 week update! Babaneu has been so much more social - still the most shy out of the 3, she likes to hide on the seat under the dining room table. Teeny and Lucy have been great. The 3 of them were running around playing with toys this morning which was adorable to watch. I'm so happy to have them thank you. - Nicole
Hi! Cristina has adjusted well and we have renamed her Daisy!! I took her to get her stitches out Friday and she’s doing great. She’s definitely settled in and feels at home. Thank you for your help with her adoption!! I’ve attached some pictures of her as well. -Julia
Settling in well. We are a good match!!
- Craig
Hank (orange)
Hank is doing spectacular. He and Whiskey have been playing a lot. Every now and then there's a little bit of hiss but only when they sneak up on each other. Otherwise they've been sharing toys and chasing each other around in the middle of the night. Hank's gotten real comfortable with everyone in the house. Yesterday I took a nap on the couch and woke up and he was sleeping on top of me. He's such a sweet boy we're so glad to have him. Thank you again, -Tara
Hello just wanted to give you an update on Storm. He is by far the cutest and greatest cat ever! We love him so much, he gives us so much cuddles and lovings! He has been so good from the minute he got home. We thought he would need some adjusting but he sure has made this house his home! Thank you so much for choosing us to adopt him, we could not imagine life without him now, He surely will forever have a home with us! Thank you again!
-Katie and Dillon
He is doing really well! He is very comfortable and has made himself right at home with us! He is very sweet and cuddly with my son and I! We already love him so much! He lays in the rocking chair with my son as I rock him to sleep at night. -Ellen
Thought I'd give you an update on Ms Spenser. She has done very well with her dental issues. It took a few hours for her to get over being mad at us for taking her to the vet. She loves to play and gets annoyed when I sleep through my alarm for work so she makes sure I know I need to get up 30 minutes before my alarm. My sewing projects can't be done without her help. She enjoys helping me cut fabric. Very much a diva when it comes to expensive fabrics. She absolutely loves pets and sleeping on you at night. I guess 2 blankets isn't warm enough and she needs to add her body heat. We are so incredibly happy to have her part of our family. - Lisa
Hello , Tullie is doing wonderful with my sister Pat. She is very happy and is having lots of fun. Thanks again for all your help. -Maureen

Hello there! One year ago, we adopted our cat Apple from your shelter and this week was the 1st year anniversary of her joining our family! And while you didn't ask for it--I'm writing to give you an update on our sweet girl and thank you once again for bringing her into our lives. We are so grateful, she has truly become part of the family. I'm not sure how much of her personality you got to see during her stay but she really has the most gentle soul I've ever seen in a cat. She's playful but never rough. Endearingly rebellious, and independent but also empathetic and super loving. Her love for play time is only surpassed by that of her love of meal time. I couldn't imagine a home without her and we couldn't be happier. Thank you so much for all you do! Roz & Adam
Delta and Larissa
Delta and Larissa are doing good! Delta is very curious and a lot more willing to explore and play with us. Larissa is still shy and a bit nervous but doing a lot better !
 - Steph Botteri

Milo has adapted almost immediately. Likes his room. Uses litter box and is eating and drinking fine. Very loving. Loves to be petted and rubs up against us when we do. Is friendly to visitors. All in all. I think he is enjoying his forever home...and...we love him! -Russell

Possum - aka Moonpie - (daughter renamed him) is awesome. We all love him and he is great with the kids. He was scared the first day but after that has been totally relaxed. He is scheduled for neutering on Tuesday so hoping that goes well. Thank you for all your support with the adoption!!
Robin and Mary
Just sharing some pictures of Mary and Robin. They have settled in nicely, very relaxed and loving. We are starting introductions to our other cats slowly. -Dianne
Hello! Everything is going great! She is the sweetest and has really become so relaxed and comfortable over the last week! It’s been so fun to see her personality shine! Thank you,
-Elizabeth & Peter Lewis

After all these years (adopted 2008), Brutus is still going strong! He's been my best buddy for almost 14 years now, a testament to the work this shelter does. Thank you for allowing me to share this amazing soul's journey from surrendered to soul mate! -Chris
Hello! Kita seems to be loving it in her new home. Who knew pit bulls could be such snuggle bugs! I swear shes awake sometimes haha. She keeps me going so the only time I can take out my phone to take a picture is when shes relaxing. Shes still recovering from her spay but so far so good. She gets so many compliments on how well behaved she is and how beautiful she is. Were totally in love. Thank you again for all you do to give these amazing creatures good homes. Feeling very thankful. -Joe and Lauren
Zeus has won our hearts with his boundless energy and curiosity in everything. He is such a good natured little guy, whether he is watching the birds or the snow coming down from the window, zooming up and down the stairs, or snuggling in our laps, making biscuits. We are so happy to have him as a part of our family. Thank you! -Ami
Cora’s doing amazing! She is such a love and has slept with me every night since bringing her home. She’s super curious and loving and I could not ask for a better kitty. She’s getting lots of pets and kisses everyday. She goes nuts over her laser and her mouse toy. -Meghan
Spencer is doing very well adapting to her new home. She prefers to stay in one room in an office where I work. She definitely loves pets and cuddles, interaction with the kids, and she even likes to tap me as I'm working, trying to get my attention in the middle of a call. She has definitely taking over the hearts of everyone in the house. She loves being brushed. She likes to sit in her little hut and come out for pets. She does like to play on my tablet where there's a mouse game for cats. We're very very happy that Spencer is part of our family and she seems very happy. Thank you