We love hearing how shelter cats and dogs do in their new homes. If you have a happy ending story you'd like to share about an animal that came from the Mansfield Shelter, please e-mail the story to us at volunteers@mansfieldshelter.org and attach a digital photo if possible.
To see Happy Endings from last year, CLICK HERE.
Rita (aka Slytherin)
I wanted to let you know that Rita (formerly known as Slytherin) has brought us so much joy since adopting her in September 2020. Here she is 6 months old (adopted at 2.5 months) hanging out with me in our home office. -Taylor
I just wanted to share some photos of this very spoiled boy.
A Happy, Covid Thanksgiving Story
We wanted to share this picture with you. I adopted Pooh-Tail (Your name), renamed Penobscot, and nicknamed and known as “Bubba” in the Fall of 2016. We lived in Plymouth MA until I relocated to Bangor Maine in August of 2019. Bubba has been an amazing companion for these 4 years and has quite a following among my FB friends. Being a bit isolated due to CoVID we have been spending the better part of every day together since March 2020 and has been a godsend. His crate at the shelter when I adopted him said “Cat, acts like dog”. That is very true. Since I first got him, he has followed me from room to room, meets me at the door, and when he hears my recliner go back, he comes running from where ever he is to nap in my lap. He is also on my bed before I get the light out every night. He also does not understand the concept of a snooze alarm. Once the alarm goes off the first time he uses a combination of paw pokes (no claws extended) and licking my nose to get me up to feed him. This Thanksgiving was a real bust since for various CoVID/Job reasons all three of my (adult) children along with myself were alone, though we all live within a few hours of each other. I decided to make the full dinner anyway, so I let Bubba join me at the table and snapped this picture with a remote shutter release/tripod set up. He never eats at the table and only gets people food once or twice a year, so he thought he was doing something wrong and would grab a piece of turkey and jump to the floor to eat it, so it took me a few to capture us both apparently eating. Thank you for all you do to provide such wonderful companions, and enjoy this picture! -Rich
Zinfandel/Zinny has been warming up to me nicely! She now spends a lot of time exploring/running around my apartment, playing with her toys, and coming for pets frequently . -Jessica
Babs now known as Buttercup is doing AWESOME and is such personality. She's soooo full of love and fun.
- Katherine and Juliana

Olivia is settling into our home nicely! We are all just in love with her! She is such a sweet affectionate girl. She has found her favorite bed to sleep on which happens to be our daughters, so everybody is happy.
-The Davis Family
Clover aka Pangur Ban
Pangur Ban is a bundle of energy and joy and we love taking care of her. She is happy and comfortable in her new home.
Best, Jordan
Introducing Wallace (formerly Tarik)! It took a long time to get him home, but it was absolutely worth the wait. He is exactly the cat we were supposed to have, and we're the family he was looking for. He has made himself right at home, is unbelievably sweet and purry, has no fear and a great appetite. He loves to watch birds from the window and take long naps on cozy fleece blankets. His new big brother Fergusson was unsure about him at first, but within just a few days, they're playing and eating together, and we're confident that napping together is tight around the corner! We want to thank you and all the shelter volunteers, and especially the family who fostered him and took such good care of him for much longer than expected. The work you all do is very, very appreciated. Thank you again for all your help! - Jennifer, Stuart, Fergusson and Wallace
I wanted to give you an update on Lady (pale buff), now Lanie, adopted on 8/1 Lanie has added so much joy to our home. She is extremely playful (plays fetch), affectionate, and gets along wonderfully with our other cat. Thank you again for bringing her into our lives!
Tenzin and Bolin
Tenzin and Bolin are enjoying their new home, and their new names: Skippy and Zoom.
Krystina found a cozy nook in her new home . . . in the shower.
Hello to all of the volunteers at Mansfield Animal Shelter, We wanted to thank you, and give you an update on Dewey (formerly Dooley) who we adopted on 9/12. We love Dewey very much and he seems to love us. He is a very curious and lively cat who likes to play and scamper around during the day, and loves to sit on the lap and cuddle in the evening. He is wonderful to have around. He and the dog had no problems getting comfortable with one another. They haven’t quite figured out how to play together successfully, but they are working on it. They even manage to share a lap and cuddle together.I think Dewey’s only complaint about us is that we don’t let him have the unlimited amounts of Fancy Feast he wants, but we are being careful not to overfeed him, no matter how cute he is when he campaigns for more. We have no complaints about him! Attached is a photo - it’s difficult to get a photo of him when he’s not sleeping as he moves around so much. Thank you again for all of the hard work you do. We are very grateful to have such a wonderful shelter in our area Delia Lyons

Tommy Who
I have been meaning to update you but have spent so much time playing and hanging out with Tommy Who (aka Murphy! He got a new name) I completely forgot. He is an absolute doll. My husband and I are pretty obsessed with him. He is incredibly affectionate, loves to play with a feather teaser toy (and can do amazing flips) and has gotten quite comfortable in our home. We’re so happy and grateful he’s the one we got to take home!! -Lauren
Poppyseed and I are having a great time together!! I adore him.

Samar (Leo) and Ramesh (Puck)
Puck and Leo are doing so good in their home and I just wanted to send the shelter an update even though we got them back in early January. They were very skittish at first but have now opened up. They are the cutest/funniest kittens ever and I’m so glad that we got them! -Liz
Duci and Kati
Duci (now Auri) and Kati (now Kaylee) are doing great. The just got their second vaccinations last week and the vet said that they are in perfect health. I think they've more than doubled in size in just a few weeks. I was planning to keep them in the closed off den while they adjusted, but they were fine immediately. On the first afternoon they were sleeping on my lap and by the third day they would try to escape and explore the rest of the house every time I opened the door to the den. They are still mostly confined to the den, but I let them out for some supervised exploration of the house a couple of times a day. Thank you so much for the opportunity to adopt them. Thanks, Sean
I just wanted to update you and the other wonderful volunteers of Mansfield Animal Shelter on our kitten. Cosmo has been renamed to Crash Bandicoot after the retro video game character. He is absolutely the most perfect cat. I couldn't have imagined a better family pet. He follows my daughters around all day looking to play and attention, he can’t seem to get enough of them. He gets sad when they go to bed. He adores my husband and has been sleeping on his pillow/head every night. He has been absolutely perfectly behaved. He uses his scratching post ad litter box and has not done any damage to any furniture. Thank you for all the work you do for animals and for picking us to be Crash’s forever family. -Bekah
Carrie Underwoood and Oreo Mint
It has truly been an absolute delight to have Oreo and Caramel (we renamed Carrie Underwood to Caramel - nothing against the singer, just easier to stick with a dessert theme!). They are SO lap cats who love to either sit either directly in my lap or sit at least next to the chair I am sitting in while working. It has been such a joy to have these two adorable cats with my sister and me while we start our new home adventure. Thank you for all of your help in getting us these two cats - I am SO grateful! :)
Best, Erica
Oreo Bandillo
I wanted to write sooner but didn’t for fear of jinxing Bandillo’s easy adjustment to yet another new home. He is the most endearing soul of the universe. I absolutely love him. So far, he has been following “house rules.” He he quite the companion-cat…wants to be with me at most all times…finding me. Thank you ALL for ALL that you did to bring solace to his world and facilitate this adoption. Warmly, Sue (and Bandillo)
Here are more photos of Brink. He’s been having a fine time amusing himself with toys. This morning we played laser mouse for a while before work, and when I got up to fetch some crunchy treats, he walked right over near me (within a foot) to get them. AND, afterward he shook his tail with a few ‘trills.’ We can all take that as a “thank you” for taking care of me. -Leanne
George aka Remy
George, who’s now called Remy, has been doing great!! He settled in here pretty quickly and easily and has become quite the snuggly, bouncy, happy boy over the past couple of months. He’s still afraid of new things, but the list gets shorter all the time. When he first got here going in and out of the door to the back yard was scary, but now his recall is dynamite and when I call him he races in the house at top speed. It also didn’t take long before he’d claimed his spot on the couch and started sleeping on our bed. He and our older border collie Lyn are getting along really well, even better than we expected. He has the most amazing dog skills and it’s hilarious to watch when he tries to get her to play. At 13 she’s not really sure what to do with all that energy (LOL) but she does enjoy his company and they run around together and often lay side by side on the couch. Outside they are great playing ball/frisbee together, which usually involves Remy racing after it, putting it under his favorite bush, and Lyn bringing it back. Teamwork! All in all it's just been a delightful to watch him blossom into a super happy, playful, normal goofy pup. Best wishes, Monique
Simon Viking
Simon Viking was a scared 11 year old male cat with an eye condition. We wanted to offer a home to an animal that would be more difficult to adopt. Well Simon is now Teddy because he is a teddy bear. He is very talkative when he doesn't think he's getting enough attention or is hungry. He loves being with his people. He even rolls over for belly rubs and likes his feet massaged! He takes his eye drops easily. I wish others would take a chance on cats like these! I never would have guessed we were getting a cat that begs you for belly rubs!
Chuckles seems to be doing very well so far, and he has quickly grown comfortable in the new environment. His favorite spot is on the edge of Richard's bed where he can look out the window. While Milo was at first somewhat apprehensive when meeting Chuckles, they are getting along swimmingly now and spend a ton of time in close proximity. Hope all is well! Jared and Richard
My friend Donna Elliott adopted Fancy a few weeks ago. She asked me to forward some pictures of her in her new home. She is a wonderful cat and the perfect companion for Donna.
I hope you and the others at the shelter are doing okay and staying healthy during these uncertain times. I just wanted to drop a note to share some family pics and update on Skittles. He has adjusted so beautifully and easy to our home— and is definitely fitting in very well. We absolutely love this kitty and feel so grateful we found him. He is extremely social and loves to be around us, cuddle, and he even “talks.” Our other animals have welcomed him and everyone is getting along so well. It’s been wonderful. All the best Kristen


She is doing great! She is such a baby with us and she loves cuddling.
Frankie aka Kodi
Karen and I cannot imagine having adopted a more loving and socially groomed cat as Frankie. Given our recent loss of Coby, Frankie is truly a God-send.
Thank you for everything!!
Curt and Karen
Samara aka Skye
Just wanted to update all the wonderful kind staff at the shelter on what a blessing Skyler Grey. “Skye” has been to us. From the ease of her relaxed demeanor on the freedom ride home, her wonderfully goofy zest for life, the crazy fast ability she has to learn obedience commands (her love for those lil training treats doesn’t hurt.) to the way she puts herself to bed (in her crate bed) at 7:30 sharp every night ..never seen anything like it.... lol. she has been nothing but pure love and joy! Thank YOU ALL for always being so welcoming and helpful with our endless questions and somewhat obsessive lengthy visiting/stalking of her. lol Each and every one of the staff/volunteers really were so incredible and instrumental in helping us get to know her. Thank you for all the time and energy you give. We are most grateful!❤️ Denise Colello
Tubie aka Kitsune
I just wanted to update you: Kitsune is still a very shy boy (he hangs out under the couch most of the day), but he’s starting to open up and show off his strange self most nights and some morning. He’s a total love bug, until he gets freaked out by a sudden noise or movement! He’s definitely starting to feel at home. I hope in a few months he’ll be mostly out of the couch (fingers crossed).
Esme (left) is doing great and these two play and play, she is doing well and they will be best friends in no time. Thank you!!
Coco enjoys after dinner relaxation on the couch.
After more than a year at the shelter, Schmookie (left) found her forever home. She looks content sitting with her new mom and feline housemate.
Minnie, now going by the name Sookie, is doing very well so far in her new home.
Remember Trinity (formerly Marley), with the broken leg, who I adopted last May? I thought you would appreciate a photo of her now, helping me do some work at my laptop. She's doing fantastic and I think she loves her new life. -Kathleen
Mira and Franjo aka Sasha and Chaplin
Our boys are 9 months old now!!! Sasha and Chaplin!! So cute!! Happy New Year!!!
Jan and David Parker
She's doing fabulous! She's using the carrier to sleep in and she's taken to Liam nicely. She's eating and purring up a storm. She loves her belly rubbed. She's also been exploring slowly and doesn't seem stressed at all. She is a cuddler and loves the scratcher.